Subject: Tragedies of the Millenium Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 21:51:28 -0400 From: ddudley@buff (Don Dudley - Sun Microsystems) To: Don.Dudley@Sun.COM While I've got your attention, ... Did you happen to hear Pete Hamil, author of "Snow in August," on Imus In The Morning Tuesday? I missed it, but Jan heard him and could not wait to relate a piece to me. They were discussing the death of Princess Diana. Pete had heard someone put the Princess's Death on some sort of list of tragedies of the Millenium. Pete apparently agreed, and proceeeded to list a few: "The Black Plague, ..., The Holocaust, ... Bobby Thomson's home run" without skipping a beat. Certainly the Dudleys agree. Don't you, Al :-)? Don